Phil's Place

Welcome Phil's Place!

What's this about then, and who is Phil?
Phil Beynon, me, is the owner and Managing Director of Infolink Electronic Systems Ltd.

One problem I find with many other companies websites is that they are simply too cold and clinical, and whilst they may present the company in a glowing way, what the copywriter wrote may not actually reflect much about the company or personalities involved. So these pages are going to show you a bit more of the human side of Infolink Electronics.
Firstly let's get past the Managing Director hurdle, since its a term that some people find a bit intimidating. Infolink is a small business, with few people, and is run very informally. Everyone mucks in doing whatever is required, within their competancy; be that visiting customers, programming, fixing things, sorting out computers, or making cups of tea etc.
So this Managing Director term is really just a term assigned by Companies House meaning I get lumbered with various boring bits of statutory paperwork every so often.

Ideas for forthcoming things in this section
Things we like
Things that annoy us
Company ethos
Phil's CV?? / about Phil
Phil's projects and interests
Phil and Infolink in the news

Copyright Infolink Electronic Systems Ltd © 2007

Infolink Electronic Systems Ltd.
41 Lyndworth Road,
Birmingham. UK
B30 2UG
0121 441 3558
Email Us

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